De-mystifying tax on superannuation lump sum TPD benefits
Published: 3 October 2023
Product Technical & Regulatory Change
When deciding to hold Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance cover within superannuation, it’s likely that a discussion on the potential for tax to be payable on the receipt of lump sum proceeds will follow.
By comparison, where TPD cover is held outside super for personal (i.e. non-business) reasons, the proceeds received by the life insured following a successful claim will be tax-free.
To manage this, some advisers will consider “grossing up” the amount of cover to cater for the expected tax liability.
While lump sum tax is a valid consideration, it is a topic that requires forethought and deeper customer conversations. For example, how much (if any) tax will be payable? What are some potential strategies to minimise the amount of tax paid? And what other benefits could be obtained by holding cover inside super?
Closing thoughts
While the prospect of tax being payable on a lump sum superannuation TPD benefit is a consideration, with the benefit of a tax-free uplift the impact to clients may not be as significant as it may appear on the surface.
As such, before grossing up the level of a client's TPD cover to manage lump sum tax, or outright deciding against holding TPD cover inside super for fear of a hefty tax liability, it’s important to have deeper client conversations.
Doing so will ensure you are clear on what the likely benefit payment option(s) are for your client, and enable you to exploit any available strategies to alleviate remaining tax concerns.
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