

Vivo is an award-winning program available to Acenda customers at no extra cost. It provides a broad range of support options to help you achieve your health, wellness, and recovery goals.


Explore Vivo




Enduring care. Anytime. Anywhere

Vivo Virtual Care

Vivo offers a range of services to make managing your health easier at every stage of life. With Vivo Virtual Care, you and your immediate family* can access specialised services such as medical second opinions, mental health support, fitness and nutrition consults, and guidance for coping with loss or grief. Discover the services you can use today and choose what works for you:



Additional support through illness or injury

When injury or illness is making it hard to stay at work, or if you find yourself at any stage of the claim process, Vivo has support options to help you manage your condition and get you back to health and work.

You can explore everything Vivo has to offer at vivowellbeing.com.au

If you believe additional support may be right for you, reach out to the Vivo Team at support@vivowellbeing.com.au. They’ll assess your situation to see if additional support through Vivo is suitable.


How do I get started?



Sign up to Vivo Virtual Care

Sign up to Vivo Virtual Care to access support for you and your family today

Get started

*Immediate family members include your children (under parental supervision), your partner, your parents, and your partner’s parents. Access to immediate family members is limited to Vivo Virtual Care services.

Privacy Policy Terms of Use

The Vivo brand is owned and operated by MLC Limited (Acenda) ABN 90 000 000 402 AFSL 230694 Vivo services are not insurance (including health insurance) and the services do not replace your relationship with your current doctor, other treating health providers and health consultants.

The services that are available for your access depends on and may be limited by arrangements we have with the service providers we have partnered with and/or agreements we have entered into with the owner of the policy (such as the trustee or employer for group insurance policies).

Acenda reserves the right to withdraw all or any of the Vivo services at any time or to change the terms on which a service is provided to customers. If your insurance is held within a super fund, or under a group plan, the Trustee or policy owner have the right to withdraw your access to all or any of the Vivo services. Further, in these arrangements, no liability is accepted by the trustee or group policy owner in relation to the Vivo services. Vivo services are provided by Acenda, occupational rehab consultants, allied health and business coaches under contract with Acenda and the following service providers we have partnered with.

  • MedHealth Pty Ltd (ABN 32 141 219 785)
  • CancerAid Pty Ltd (ABN 75 607 610 257)
  • Ipar Rehabilitation Pty Ltd (ABN 37 1042 343 17)
  • Beyond Pain Pty Ltd (ABN 37 741 376 019)
  • Guardian Exercise Rehabilitation Pty Ltd (ABN 27 159 858 349)
  • Specialised Health Pty Ltd ABN 99 631 179 09)
  • The Violet Initiative Ltd (ABN 95 267 224 727; ACN 143 224 293)
  • Bites Health Clinic (ABN 2280 129 0674)

Our service providers may change from time to time. MLC Limited uses the MLC brand under licence from the Insignia Financial Group. MLC Limited is part of the Nippon Life Insurance Group and is not a part of the Insignia Financial Group.