When to consider life insurance

Wherever you are in life, whether you’re looking to start a family, buy a home, prepare for retirement or simply want to protect your lifestyle, having the right insurance can help protect what’s most important to you.

Starting a new job

Your ability to earn an income is one of your greatest assets, so it makes sense to protect it. When you start working or change jobs, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is whether you have enough insurance to protect you and your new salary.

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Losing someone close to you

Certain events in life, like losing a friend or family member, can prompt you to think about what would happen to your own family if you were to die. Having the right protection in place can provide you with reassurance your family could manage financially if you were not there to support them.

You may want to consider

Buying a home

Buying a home is a long term financial commitment. With the right insurance you can cover yourself for any unplanned circumstances. If you found yourself unable to work, either temporarily or permanently, or if you were to die, insurance can help to take care of your home loan.

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Starting a family

Making sure you can support your growing family if the unexpected happens is something all parents can plan for. The right insurance can help take the financial pressure off you should your circumstances change.

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Getting ready to retire

You’ve done the hard work and now it’s time to sit back and reap the rewards of a job well done. Keeping your insurance up-to-date and in line with any changes in your life is an important part of making sure your cover is right for you.

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Building a business

If being your own boss is something you aspire to, then making sure you have the right protection for your assets and financial commitments should be your first call of business.

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There are three ways to get insurance with Acenda:

  1. Through a financial adviser
  2. Through your super fund
  3. Through your employer

Where to get Acenda

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