Supporting you to make a claim

Your claim will be carefully and quickly assessed

We understand that when you need to make a claim, it's often because something has gone wrong with your health or the health of a loved one.

To support you during this time, we assign a dedicated claims consultant to you. They will guide you through the process to make your claim as easy as possible and ensure it’s carefully and efficiently assessed.

 How to make a claim

What to expect if you need to make a claim

Step 1 - Reach out to us

Call us on 1300 125 246 as soon as you can, and we’ll help get your claim underway.

Our team is available from 8:30am to 6pm, (AEST/AEDT), Monday to Friday.

Other services available

Involuntary Unemployment Claims

If you're looking to notify us of an Involuntary Unemployment Claim, you can fill out our dedicated claim form.

Life Insurance Claims

Acenda understands that the passing of a loved one can be an extremely difficult time. We’re here to support you and have partnered with the Australian Death Notification Service (ADNS) to help make the process easier.

You can notify us, as well as other organisations, of a death online using this service. Simply visit the Australian Death Notification Service website.

Step 2 - We'll understand your situation

We'll then get in touch with you to fully understand your situation and the type of claim you need to make. We'll also guide you through the information we need to assess your claim swiftly.

Step 3 - Documentation and information

You may need to send us additional information or documents to support your claim. If you require any help with these, we're here to support you.

Step 4 - Assessment process

Once we've received the required additional information or documents to support your claim we’ll start the assessment process and we'll put you in touch with your dedicated claims consultant.

Step 5 - Claim outcome

We'll stay in contact through each step of the assessment process and notify you of your claim's outcome.

Delivering care today, with Vivo

Did you know that with your MLC Life Insurance policy, you and your immediate family* have access to Vivo at no additional cost. Vivo is a holistic health, wellness and recovery program that connects you to experts in fitness, nutrition, wellbeing, mental health, medical support and much more.

See how Vivo can support you today, visit

Frequently asked questions

Starting your claim

  • How do I start a claim?

    To discuss your claim options please contact our Claims Customer Care Team on 1300 125 246 between 8:30am to 6pm, (AEST/AEDT) Monday to Friday.

    We’ll give you the option to lodge your claim over the phone or through our standard claim forms.

    If you are claiming Involuntary Unemployment under one of the following policies NAB Credit Card Cover, NAB Mortgage Protect and NAB Personal Loan Cover, MLC EasyCover and MLC Debt Insurance, you can lodge your claim via our dedicated online claim form.

  • Where do I send my claims documents?

    If you have your case number, please include this in the subject of your email, as this will reduce the processing time for your request. Please ensure any email attachments are not password protected.


    You can post any claims documents to:

    PO Box 23314

  • Which medical practitioner should complete my treating doctor's report?
    Income Protection claims

    We recommend your treating doctor’s report is completed by your regular General Practitioner (GP).

    Critical Illness or Total and Permanent Disability claims (or where two reports are required)

    We recommend your treating doctor’s report is completed by your regular GP and a practitioner that specialises in your medical condition.

    Please note, we are unable to accept any treating doctors’ reports completed by a psychologist.

  • What is the waiting period on my policy?

    Income Protection

    When you meet the applicable definition of disability, a waiting period will apply. During this period, no benefit is payable. The waiting period you chose and which will apply to your claim is specified in your Policy Schedule.

    Life, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) and Critical Illness

    For more information about your policy and waiting period, please refer to your Policy Documents or contact our Claims Customer Care Team on 1300 125 246 between 8:30am to 6pm, (AEST/AEDT) Monday to Friday.

Understanding your claim assessment and payment

  • How is my claim assessed?

    Once we receive the information we need to assess your claim, we’ll make an initial assessment within ten working days and contact you regularly to provide updates.

    To assess your claim, amongst other things, we may need to:

    • obtain additional medical information from your doctor or other health care providers
    • arrange an independent medical examination to assess your disability and diagnosis
    • appoint an external assessor to interview you and collect other information from you.

    For Income Protection policies, we may also ask you to provide financial documents such as tax returns and accounts to support your claim.

  • How long does it take to assess the claim?

    We understand that waiting for a claim outcome can be stressful. We’re committed to providing updates on your claim’s progress at least every 20 business days, if not sooner.

    You can help us assess your claim more quickly by providing the documentation we ask for promptly and accurately. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    The claims process and our decision on your claim follow the terms and conditions of your policy. We'll explain why if we can't make a decision within two months on Income Protection claims or six months for Life, TPD and Critical Illness claims. Usually, this is because we're waiting for information.

  • How much will I be paid for my claim?

    The benefit amount we pay for your claim is determined by the sum insured in the Policy Schedule that applied when you first met the terms or definitions for the benefit to be paid. It’s not determined by when you lodge your claim. For TPD or Income Protection insurance, we typically pay the benefit after you meet the disability criteria or waiting periods outlined in your policy.

    The time taken to assess a claim can vary depending on factors like the type of claim and the information available. However, the assessment time doesn’t impact the benefit amount.

    For example, suppose you become totally and permanently disabled and meet the TPD definition. In that case, your benefit amount will be based on your sum insured at that time – regardless of when you lodge your claim or how long the assessment takes.

  • Do I still need to pay premiums when I’m on a claim?
    Income Protection

    You’ll need to continue paying your Income Protection premiums while we assess your claim. However, you’re not required to pay Income Protection premiums while receiving benefits. Any premiums paid for the period for which benefits are payable will be refunded.

    Lump sum payments for Life, Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) and Critical Illness claims

    You’ll need to continue paying your premiums while we assess your claim. If we accept your claim, we’ll refund any premiums you’ve paid – from when you first met the claim definitions.

  • What exclusions may apply?
    Any exclusions are set out in your Policy Schedule and policy document.
  • If my claim is approved, how will I or my family receive payments?
    Income Protection

    We’ll make a monthly payment into the bank account you’ve nominated. The first payment is one month in arrears after the waiting period has ended.

    Critical Illness and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)

    We’ll make a lump sum payment into the bank account you’ve nominated.


    We usually pay the policy owner or the beneficiaries they nominated. If no beneficiaries are nominated and the policy owner has passed away, we pay the policy owner's estate.

    Insurance in Super

    If the insurance is held inside super, any benefit is payable to the trustee of the super fund. The trustee will usually authorise us to release the benefits so that we can pay the benefits directly to you. For self-managed super funds we’ll usually pay benefits to the trustee.

    For death benefits, the trustee will determine who should receive the benefits, depending on whether you have made any nominations and the type of nomination you have made. If there is no valid nomination, the trustee will exercise its discretion to determine who should receive the benefit.

  • Do I have to pay tax on insurance payouts?

    The tax you pay on insurance payouts depends on the type of cover and if the cover is inside super.

    Life insurance payouts from Life, TPD, or Critical Illness cover held outside super are generally not taxable. That means you'll be unlikely to have to pay taxes on that money.

    Where Life or TPD cover is held inside super, the tax treatment will depend on the relationship between you and the beneficiary who receives the payment, how the benefit is paid, and other circumstances.

    Income Protection and Business Expenses payouts that replace a portion of your income will likely be taxable and should be included in your relevant tax return.

    The rules relating to the taxation of benefits are complex. If you need clarification on whether your life insurance payout is taxable, it's best to consult a tax professional.

Claims documentation and support

Important information

*Immediate family members include your children (under parental supervision), your partner, your parents and your partner’s parents. Access to immediate family members is limited to Vivo Virtual Care services. Mental Health Navigator is only available for those aged 18 years or older. The Vivo brand is owned and operated by MLC Limited (Acenda). Vivo services are not insurance (including health insurance) and the services do not replace your relationship with your current doctor, other treating health providers and health consultants. The services that are available for your access depends on and may be limited by arrangements we have with the service providers we have partnered with and/or agreements we have entered into with the owner of the policy (such as the trustee or employer for group insurance policies).