Life Cover

No one likes to imagine the worst, but it's worth thinking about what would happen if you were no longer around to provide for your family.

What is Life Cover insurance?

Life Cover insurance provides a one-off payment if you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness. You and your family can use this money to pay off debts, pay day-to-day expenses, or invest it for your family's future needs.

Key features
  • Receive a one-off payment if you die.
  • Receive a one-off payment if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness (if you survive you won't have to return this).
  • Receive a one-off payment if you accidentally lose the use of your limbs or your sight.
  • Receive a one-off payment of $20,000 advanced from the death benefit to help with urgent costs such as funeral expenses.
  • If we have paid a one-off payment of $100,000 or more, we’ll reimburse up to $5,000 for the cost of a financial plan from a qualified adviser.
Product overview

How does Life Cover work?

Life Cover pays a one-off payment if:

  • you die, or
  • you're diagnosed with a terminal illness.

You can apply for as much Life Cover insurance as you need. Special terms may apply for amounts above $15 million. Your financial adviser can help you work out the right amount for you.  

Funding options 

Life Cover insurance is available both inside and outside super.

Additional options

You can apply for these options at an additional cost:

  • Business safeguard option: when certain events occur, you can apply to increase your Life Cover for certain business purposes without further medical evidence.
  • Terminal illness support insurance: receive a one-off payment if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness and survive 30 days after the date doctors certify the terminal illness.
  • You can also apply to add Total and Permanent Disability or Critical Illness extensions to your Life Cover insurance.

Do you need Life Cover insurance?

 You may want to consider Life Cover if you:

  • have a partner, family or dependants
  • have a mortgage or any other personal debt
  • have a business or you're self employed
  • don't have adequate savings to cover unexpected expenses.

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