Support Staff Registration Terms and Conditions

Issue Date: 3 October 2024

Access to adviser portal

The adviser online portal and website (adviser portal) are owned and operated by MLC Limited ABN 90 000 000 402 AFSL 230694 (MLC Life Insurance). The terms ‘our’, ‘we’ and ‘us’ refer to MLC Life Insurance, and the terms ‘you’ or ‘your’ refer to the individual accessing these terms and conditions.

Your registration for use and your actual use of the adviser portal is governed by these terms and conditions. The security terms and our Privacy Policy also apply to you. Acceptance of these terms and conditions is required to register for access to and for use the adviser portal.

Access on behalf of a relevant adviser

Your access to and activity within the adviser portal will be on behalf of a financial adviser registered with us. You will be required to identify the adviser by their adviser code each time you access the adviser portal.

Your access to the adviser portal as support staff

1. The adviser portal is only for use by: 

(i) financial advisers registered with us (each a “relevant adviser”); and 

(ii) persons nominated and authorised by an adviser to access and use the adviser portal on the adviser’s behalf (each a “support staff”)

2. You may access the adviser portal only if, at the time of access, you have been nominated and are authorised by a relevant adviser to access the adviser portal on their behalf.

3. Your access to the adviser portal and your activity within the adviser portal must be limited to the authority and instructions given to you by the relevant adviser at the time of access.

4. You agree that any of your access to and activity within the adviser portal is on behalf of the relevant adviser and any activity by you will be deemed to be activity by the relevant adviser.

5. At all times, we retain the discretion to obtain confirmation and/or undertakings from you that are reasonably necessary to ensure you are authorised to access the adviser portal on behalf of a relevant adviser. Such undertaking is personally binding on you. You may be refused access to the adviser portal if you refuse to provide such undertaking or we are unable to obtain confirmation of your authority.

6. You must not access the adviser portal and conduct any activity in relation to a client where you know that doing so would be contrary to the instructions of the client.

Cessation of authority to access

7. You must not access the adviser portal if you no longer have authority to access on behalf of any relevant adviser and/or are no longer employed by the adviser practice to which any relevant advisor is attached.

8. At the time you cease to have any authority from any relevant adviser to access and use the adviser portal and/or are no longer employed by the practice to which any relevant adviser is attached, we terminate our consent to your access to the adviser portal.

9. We may deny or withdraw your access, temporarily or permanently, to the adviser portal where we have concerns about the security of your credentials, or we otherwise have concerns regarding the availability, security or integrity of the adviser portal in connection with your use and access.

Use of passwords and adviser codes

10. You must keep your username, password and adviser code (credentials) confidential. Only you may access the adviser portal with these credentials.

11. We may terminate your ability to access to the adviser portal if there has been no access by you to the adviser portal within a six-month period.

Products and services

12. Unless stated otherwise, the products and services described on the adviser portal and the MLC Life Insurance website are issued by MLC Limited ABN 90 000 000 402 AFSL 230694.

13. MLC Life Insurance has an arrangement with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 (NULIS Nominees), who is the Trustee of the MLC Super Fund (the Fund) ABN 70 732 426 024 to issue products through the Fund.

14. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the products, services and information on the adviser portal and MLC Life Insurance website are prepared for Australian residents only.

Records kept by MLC Life Insurance

15. You must reasonably review all your activity and data inputs into the adviser portal and immediately notify the relevant advisor of any errors or omissions of which you become aware.

16. We keep records of your access into and activity within the adviser portal and we also retain records of the online communications between you, on behalf of the relevant adviser, and us, including any instructions and our responses, and the time of these communications. Unless there is an obvious error, these records will be conclusive and you agree that the records may be used as evidence in the event of dispute. You also agree that we may record telephone conversations which may be used as evidence in the event of dispute.

Privacy and confidentiality obligations

17. Personal information belonging to you and clients will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

18. You acknowledge your obligation to keep information you access or obtain through the adviser portal as confidential and in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

Changes to terms

19. We may update the terms from time to time and you should check the terms regularly for changes. You acknowledge that by making the terms accessible to you we have provided you with sufficient notice of any changes, and your continued use of the adviser portal will confirm your acceptance of the updated terms as published within the adviser portal.